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Queens Fish Bar 11:09 Tue Jul 12
Cameron's legacy as PM
Apart from Brexit, what will he be remembered for?

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Willtell 10:45 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Thanks for the advice but I can't be arsed tonight H&P. I'm just going to bed for a shag - something that your kids karate instructor has already done for you I guess....

Mike Oxsaw 10:23 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
The way Pickle bleats on you could get the impression that he thinks that the EU is the ONLY entity the UK can trade with - ever.

Hammer and Pickle 6:18 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
If you are going to live in a world you've made up in your head Zero, why does it have to be such a very tacky one?

It really shows you and your family up you know.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 6:15 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Ooh, look! The cuckold's doing the 'you're having a meltdown' thing again!

Hammer and Pickle 5:52 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
"Do us all a favour and just shut the fuck up"

Nice meltdown Willtell - but you don't cut a very convincing figure when you puff your chest out and get all frothy like that. What is clear is you are not convinced of your "arguments" as well, which boiled down amount to "foreigners are crap and we Brits are great".

Willtell 5:34 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
There you go again making silly statements about "capital relations" and "building for decades with one of the world's most powerful political and economic entities."

You may not have noticed that Poland, France, Holland and Belgium in particular, are free countries today because the UK and USA saved them from Nazi domination. If Britain has to suck up to the modern leaders of those countries then fuck them.

Britain doesn't need lectures on how it should behave from an ex-pat living in Poland for 26 years!

Somehow you seem to think that currency stability can only come from being in the EU or the Euro as though it is an automatic given right. It isn't H&P. It really isn't.

How long before Italy's bankrupt banks implode?
How long before the EU have to stop lending more and more billions to Greece and Portugal because they can't print enough money?
How long before the youth of Europe start protesting at having their lives ruined by EU ordered austerity programmes that denies them jobs.
How long before Denmark and Sweden start questioning why they can't get the growth enjoyed in the UK?
UK employment rates higher than ever before in our entire history.
Retail sales up 6.2% in August and 6.3% in July year on year...

Do us all a favour and just shut the fuck up...

eusebiovic 5:30 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
He will be remembered for a huge baked-in skidmark inside the back of a pair of pristine white Y-Fronts

Hammer and Pickle 5:18 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
And you can't even achieve that.


SurfaceAgentX2Zero 5:16 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Hammer and Pickle 4:59 Thu Sep 15

'I don't think so Zero - your interest is to disrupt the capital relations the country has been building for decades...'

I have no such pretentious interests. My interest is to rip the piss out of a deluded cuckold on a West Ham chat site.

Hammer and Pickle 4:59 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
I don't think so Zero - your interest is to disrupt the capital relations the country has been building for decades with one of the world's most powerful political and economic entities. Your interest is currency instability and ultimately the very high risk of devaluation in the long term. Your interest is higher borrowing costs and restricted access to investment for poorer or less well developed regions. And your interest is to turn the UK into a provincial backwater monoculture where you believe you might feel more comfortable.

So no, we are not in the same company.

Infidel 4:31 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

That's my whole point.

Blair's election victories are celebrated by the Blairites but despised by people like Corbyn and John McDonnell. They think of Blair as an invader who stole their Party.

Which indeed he did.

The hard left isn't interested in winning elections. They are interested in bringing the country to its knees to force a socialist agenda on the masses.

Willtell 4:03 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
I'm a socialist by up-bringing but I've learned that it just never, ever works.

Give the keys to the factory workers and it won't take long for the factory to go bust .......unless it is propped up by public money.

Give unions power and they will abuse it and the public ends up paying the price.

Give too much comfort to the unfortunate and you encourage a lot of them to stay an unfortunate.

Make room for the 3rd world's unfortunates and they all want to come.

Evil capitalists drive the economy. I know they are evil as I am one of them. An evil capitalist with a social conscience is always better than a socialist with a conscious belief that he can run the economy better will always fuck up....

I give you Francois Hollande in France or George Brown in UK.

overbyyer 3:48 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Infidel wrote...

Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

My own view is that Blairites should step aside and leave the Labour Party to Corbyn.

In a very real sense it is they who hijacked the Labour movement, not the other way around.

Hijacked a party of ongoing and indefinite opposition into a party that swept into power by landslide?

I don't disagree with your summary of it's origins, but the UK world changed by Thatcher bore little resemblance to influence brought about through the direct link between the might of the unions and the party.
If the new Labour transition hadn't happened then the UK would have been even more divisive than it is now.

I do appreciate that some on here see that as a missed opportunity........

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 3:37 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Hammer and Pickle 2:50 Thu Sep 15

'Hoping people will mis-identify your narrow interest as the general one is a common politician's conceit - you are in good company there I'll give you that Zero.'

If that's the case, I'm certainly in yours.

Mike Oxsaw 3:07 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
As the indigenous population improves through altered demographics, education & personal wealth creation, the need for unions, and by default, the Labour Party decreases in proportion.

What better way to bolster the number of fee-paying members again by welcoming in to the country, and onto your register, a bunch of illiterate, uneducated retards whom you can easily convince that you're doing "everything in their best interests"?

Hammer and Pickle 2:50 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Hoping people will mis-identify your narrow interest as the general one is a common politician's conceit - you are in good company there I'll give you that Zero.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 2:23 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Why all this wishing ill on the UK, Pickled?

Anyone would think you were embittered and likely to lose out financially by Brexit.

Hammer and Pickle 2:11 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
I think the former colonies will now enjoy having the whip hand and their day in the sun.

Infidel 2:10 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

My own view is that Blairites should step aside and leave the Labour Party to Corbyn.

In a very real sense it is they who hijacked the Labour movement, not the other way around.

The Labour Party is the political wing of the Trade Union movement. It was founded by the unions and it is still funded almost entirely by them. The unions sponsor a large number of Labour MPs and also control a third of the seats on the NEC.

The Labour Party belongs to the unions, so the right question to ask is "who do the unions want as leader?".

And the answer to that question is Jeremy Corbyn.

The unions don't want Blairism. They see it as pointless because it's too close to the Conservatives - 'blue labour' as they call it.

They also don't care much about getting elected and forming a government, especially if the price they have to pay is watering down their socialism.

They are instinctively more comfortable with direct action - strikes, sit-ins, demonstrations, violence, disruption. Direct action is much more appealing than trying to win elections.

The Blairites should quit and form their own 'Blue Labour' party. Of course they did it before in the 1980s and got nowhere but that's their problem. They have to package social democracy in such a way that it wins votes and if they can't then they deserve to fail. Pretending that the Labour Party is the right vehicle to smuggle centre left politics into the country is not going to work.

Mike Oxsaw 1:53 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Hammer and Pickle 11:05 Thu Sep 15

So this use of English is only really of benefit when, say, setting up trade deals with the English speaking world then - former British colonies, basically.

How is that going?

Willtell 1:01 Thu Sep 15
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Is that Cameron's legacy though? I think he'll be remembered as a successful PM that won 2 elections, got the country back on its feet but was afraid of UKIP so promised a referendum that was his final undoing.

He then fucked up over Libya and compounded it by lying about the effects of a Brexit. Early success but drifted to fuck-ups but will make loads of money from being on the boards of some big companies...

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